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Welcome to the PirouVR Affiliate Program!

Earn money with VR porn by partnering with us. With hundreds of thousands of monthly users,
PirouVR offers Premium — the best VR porn affiliate program on the market.


How Do I Become an Affiliate?

Sign up for free and get your affiliate link at: https://pirouvr.com/earnings/affiliate/

Where Can I Find My Affiliate Link?

Simply log in to your account, and you will be directed to the "Earnings" menu.
Your affiliate link will appear at the top of the "Affiliate" tab.
You can also access it directly at: https://pirouvr.com/earnings/affiliate/

How and When Do I Get Paid?

Payments are discreet, timely, and reliable.
For all payment-related information, please visit your "Payments" page.

How Do I Track My Analytics and Earnings?

Detailed, real-time analytics and earnings information is available at: https://pirouvr.com/earnings/affiliate/

How Can I Send Users to Specific Pages on PirouVR.com?

You can easily direct users to any page on PirouVR.com by adding your affiliate ID to the URL.
For example, if your affiliate link is https://pirouvr.com/?a=123456, you can append ?a=123456 to any page URL.
I.e. https://pirouvr.com/vr-porn-studios/?a=123456 directs users to the Studios page, and you’ll receive credit for their visits.

What About Fees?

Adult merchant accounts often come with high fees, which are usually passed on to affiliates by adult sites.
On our platform, we cover all fees for the initial join, except for chargebacks and refunds. Fees related to payment processing, chargebacks, refunds, and other costs are deducted from rebill payouts.